Find a PDF of my CV here or scroll to get a quick glance at everything. Last updated in August 2024.

Work Experience

Senior Lead (Products), Treemouse

July 2024 - Present | Gurugram, India

Design Researcher, TinkerLabs

July 2022 - May 2024 | Mumbai, India

Faculty, AND Academy

June 2022 - May 2024 | Remote

Xperimenter, Science Gallery Bengaluru

January 2022 - July 2022 | Bengaluru, India

Product Design Intern, Canonic

June 2021 - October 2021 | Delhi, India

Design Intern, Whitenoise Design

June 2020 - July 2020 | Remote

Freelance Visual Designer

June 2018 - December 2020 | Multiple Locations

Workshop / Talks

In Between Life & Death – Breaking Down The Making

March 2024 at CC Santé Community Conference

Broke down the process used to develop In Between Life & Death, a web-game that prompts young adults to question human needs.

What To Do When Adobe Fails You

February 2024 for SPA, Bhopal (conducted remotely)

Introducing graphic design students to creative coding as a medium to create hyper-specific creative tools.

Evolving Your (design) Portfolio

February 2024 for IIAD, Delhi (conducted remotely)

Reflective talk taking undergraduate students through the evolution of my portfolio over the years.

Set Rules, Make Art

April 2023 at MIT–D, Pune

Introductory workshop on algortithmic art & creative coding for 100+ design students.

My Journey Across The Levels

January 2023 at Indian Institute of Art & Design, Delhi

Reflective talk for the professors of IIAD & Kingston University to showcase my 4-year-long undergraduate journey.

On Documentation & Reflection

June 2023 at Science Gallery Bengaluru

Talk for 20 summer school participants, introducing them to my process of documentation &reflection with Kolb’s Experiential Cycle.

Designing & Shipping A Digital Product

March 2022 at Pearl Academy Mumbai (UX), done remotely

Canonic case study walkthrough for third year UX UI students.

Things I Wish I Knew During Foundation Year

June 2021 at Indian Institute of Art & Design, Delhi

Virtual talk for 100+ foundation year students, covering some advice for their capstone projects.

Awards / Honours

p5.js Global Showcase 2022

For In Between Life & Death by the Processing Foundation

Best Graduation Project 2022

For In Between Life & Death by the Indian Institute of Art & Design

Winner, Designathon 2022

For Sumitra by Lollypop Design Studio

Communication Design Winner, DCDC – 3 (First Round)

For Visual Identity for COVID-19 by D'source


B.A.(Hons.), Communication Design

First class honours from the Indian Institute of Art & Design, 2018–2022