A rotating phone, held in the hand draws on the computer screen

What if you could paint with your phone?


Tool to paint by rotating a smartphone


Self-directed experiment


Processing & the Tramontana Library


Inspired by my light painting experiments, I further wondered what tools could be used to paint on a computer screen. Some amount of reading on the internet led me to the Tramontana Library, developed by Pierluigi Dalla Rosa.

The library featured different ways for smartphones to communicate with computers, by sending data to them to act on. Interestingly, each smartphone has a gyroscope which stores rotational data on three axes, as highlighted below in the graphic by MathWorks.

Image source: MathWorks.

This became the starting point for me and I wondered whether someone could paint simply by rotating their wrist, while holding a smartphone.


The outcome was a simple computer program, written on Processing, that allowed people to share the roll, pitch & yaw angles from a smartphone and a simple, circular brush could be controlled with them.

Since the program was made using Processing, a Java based framework, I cannot embed it onto this website. You can find the code here and watch a demonstration below.
