Can we generate colour palettes from live video?


Tool to help people export colour palettes from live video input






The thought for this experiment stemmed from my growing interest in the capabilities of the web-camera on a modern-day personal computing machine. Each pixel on a screen stores RGB values, ranging from 0-255, for a displayed image. I wondered whether, instead of browsing through different colour palettes online to fit a project, one could pick up an existing object in real life and derive colours from it.

You can try the palette generator by clicking here.

A short video of the tool in use.


All the code is available here.

The sketch takes input from your webcam and lets you select a pixel that you want the colour value for. This is done by creating an object whenever you press the mouse and storing three things: the x & y position of the click & the RGBA (colour) values of the pixel being clicked; by using the p5 function get().

if (tog ==true){

loadPixels ();
p = get (mouseX, mouseY);
m = createVector (mouseX, mouseY);

for (let i = 0; i<1; i++){
circs.push (new Dots (m.x, m.y, p));

tog = false;


Then, the program places a dot on that particular position, displaying the RGB value underneath.

class Dots{

constructor (x, y, p){
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.c = p;
this.r = 40;
this.tS = 16;

fill (this.c);
strokeWeight (1);
stroke (0);

ellipse (this.x, this.y, this.r, this.r);

strokeWeight (0.8);
stroke (0);
fill (255);

textSize (this.tS);
textAlign (CENTER);
text ('r=' + this.c[0] + '; g=' + this.c [1] + '; b=' + this.c [2] , this.x, this.y+this.r + this.tS);

