What if a wave of water could pass through a piece of text?
The entire piece of text is made up of elliptical particles and treated as one 'group' or object. A sine wave passes through the object from the bottom to the top, manipulating each of the elliptical particles in terms of size and position.
for (let i = 0; i < xPos.length; i++) {
let wa = map(sin(i*waveOffset), -1,1, 0, 10);
let wave = wa*waveHeight;
let col2 = map(wave, -25, 25, 10, 40);
fill (h,s,col2);
translate(xPos[i], yPos[i]+wave);
ellipse (0,0,gridSize*3, gridSize+wave*1.2);
waveOffset += yPos[i]*waveSpeed;