rotational studiesp5

Messed around with earlier rotational studies. Re-used the idea of a particle moving in a circular motion from the previous program.

  for (let x = margin; x <= width - margin; x += s) {
    for (let y = margin; y <= height - margin; y += s) {
      let x1 = cos(x + inc) * diam;
      let y1 = sin(y + inc) * diam;
      translate(x1, y1);
      square(x, y, s, s / 8); //used rounding of corners for squares
inc += 0.02;

If I let the program draw itself out without replacing the background, it looks like this:

Parameter changes (such as diameter incrementing / spacing between individual squares) result in these:

14:14, 2024-04-18

we go around in circlesp5

Still working on typographic treatment using interesting waves. Thought about each particle rotating in a circle by using cos and sin waves.

  let x = cos(angle) * circleRadius;
  let y = sin(angle) * circleRadius;
  // while
  angle +=0.02

Also thought of a neat way to assign colours. Once particles are assigned an x & y coordinate:

//declare array of colours
let col = ['#941b0c', '#bc3908', '#f6aa1c'];
// run through x / y array and assign random value from colour array.
  for (let i = 0; i<xPos.length; i++){
// in draw
fill (n[i]);

For size, I also used noise for some variability. Main draw code:

function draw() {
  for (let i = 0; i < xPos.length; i += 1) {
    let x = cos(i + mult) * diam;
    let y = sin(i + mult) * diam;
    ellipse(xPos[i] + x, yPos[i] + y, (noise(x) * 30) / 2.2); // I think the division is redundant but somehow it reduced speed of the particles (?)
  mult += inc;

16:54, 2024-04-15

boilerplate for hand-trackingp5ml5

Simple boilerplate for single hand tracking. Going to use it for the body synthesizer. Used a bit of ChatGPT to understand what’s happening.

//Single Hand Tracker
let video;
let handpose;
let predictions = [];
function setup() {
  createCanvas(640, 480);
  video = createCapture(VIDEO);
  handpose = ml5.handpose(video, modelReady);
  handpose.on('predict', gotPredictions);
//To tell whether model has loaded or not
function modelReady() {
  text ("Model loaded", 50, 50); 
function gotPredictions(results) {
  predictions = results;
function draw() {
  // Flip the video horizontally to match hand to video
  translate(width, 0);
  scale(-1, 1);
  image(video, 0, 0, width, height);
function drawKeypoints() {
  for (let i = 0; i < predictions.length; i++) {
    let prediction = predictions[i];
    for (let j = 0; j < prediction.landmarks.length; j++) {
      let point = prediction.landmarks[j];
      fill(255, 0, 0);
      ellipse(point[0], point[1], 10, 10);

12:36, 2024-04-14

light shining on waterbody in the nightp5

Was inspired by lights glimmering on a waterbody, seen during the night on my last trip to Ahmedabad (near the Riverfront).

Made this while listening to Perfect by Ed Sheeran.

  for (let i = 0; i < xPos.length; i += 2) {
    let wave = sin(i + waveOffset) * waveHeight;
    line(xPos[i] + wave, yPos[i], xPos[i], yPos[i]);
  // Update wave offset for animation
  waveOffset += waveSpeed;

I like how it came out. You can also play around with the parameters, manipulating the legibility.

17:32, 2024-04-12

night code jams with Spunctual

S was around and I excitedly showed her Punctual. We messed around with a few blocks of code, without letting logic govern us.

o << 0.4; 
r << 0.1; 
g << 0.2; 
b << 0.08;  
-- top square
move [osc(rnd)] $ 
spin [osc(0.02)] $ 
zoom [osc(0.080)] $ 
move [osc(fr*0.0002)] $  
tile [5,3] $ 
spin[osc(0.09)] $ 
circle [0,0] [2,2, 2] * o * hsvrgb[cam, r,g,b]>> video;
-- osc (62) >> audio; 
-- [0,0,0] >> video; 

o << 0.4; 
r << 0.1; 
g << 0.02; 
b << 0.08;  
-- top square
zoom [osc(0.02)] $ 
move [osc(fr*0.0002)] $  
tile [3,3] $ 
spin[osc(0.2)] $ 
rect [0,0] [2,2, 2] * o * hsvh[r,g,b,cam]>> video;
-- osc (62) >> audio; 
-- [0,0,0] >> video; 

-- flower
[0,0,0] >> video; 
o << 0.6;  
x << 0; 
y << 0; 
d << 1;
rot << [0, 0.3 .. 1]; 
r << 0.87; 
g << 0.19; 
b << 0.38; 
zoom [2,2] $ 
fit (1/1) $ 
spin ([rot]) $ 
fit [0.5/2] $ 
circle [x,y] [d] * o * [cam] >> video; 

23:10, 2024-04-08

it’s just a wave and i knowp5

Used the same text manipulations as earlier with mapping sine waves. Made while thinking of John Mayer’s song.

Love the treatment it produces.

  for (let i = 0; i < xPos.length; i++) {
    //let wa = int(noise((i + waveOffset) / 70) * waveHeight);
    let wa = map(sin(i*waveOffset), -1,1, 0, 10); 
    let wave = wa*waveHeight; 
    let col2 = map(wave, -25, 25, 10, 40);
  fill (h,s,col2); 
    translate(xPos[i], yPos[i]+wave);
    ellipse (0,0,gridSize*3, gridSize+wave*1.2); 
  waveOffset += yPos[i]*waveSpeed;

17:27, 2024-04-04

portrait makerpunctual

-- flower
[0,0,0] >> video; 
o << 0.6;  
x << 0; 
y << 0; 
d << 0.8;
rot << [0, 0.3 .. 1]; 
r << 0.87; 
g << 0.19; 
b << 0.38; 
fit (1/1) $ 
spin ([rot]) $ 
fit [0.5/2] $ 
circle [x,y] [d] * o * rgbs[r,g,b] >> video; 

17:09, 2024-04-03

cam flowerpunctual

Flower with video input.

-- flower
[0,0,0] >> video; 
o << 0.6;  
x << 0; 
y << 0; 
d << 0.8;
rot << [0, 0.3 .. 1]; 
r << 0.87; 
g << 0.19; 
b << 0.38; 
fit (1/1) $ 
spin ([rot]) $ 
fit [0.5/2] $ 
circle [x,y] [d] * o * rgbs[r,g,b] >> video; 

17:05, 2024-04-03


o << 0.6;  
rot << [0,0.2 .. 1.2];  
-- pink:
r << 0.87; 
g << 0.19; 
b << 0.38; 
zoom [2,2] $ 
fit [1/1] $ 
spin [osc(rot*0.02)] $ 
fit [0.5/2] $ 
circle [0,0] [0.3] * o * rgbs[cam] >> video; 

Rotating Flowerpunctual

16:54, 2024-04-02

o << 0.06;  
rot << [0,0.2 .. 1.2];  
-- pink:
r << 0.87; 
g << 0.19; 
b << 0.38; 
fit [1/1] $ 
spin [osc(rot*0.02)] $ 
fit [0.5/2] $ 
circle [0,0] [0.3] * o * [r,g,b] >> video; 

o << 0.006;  
r << [0,0.2 .. 1.2];  
spin [osc(r*0.02)] $ 
fit [0.5/2] $ 
circle [0,0] [0.3] * o >> video; 

16:48, 2024-04-02


Making a petal. No ellipse on Punctual so distorting a circle.

o << 0.6;  
fit [0.5/2] $ 
circle [0,0] [0.3] * o >> video; 

16:40, 2024-04-02

I’m Shattering But It Doesn’t Matterp5

Lately been re-excited by the idea of using code for expressive typography.

//I'm Shattering But It Doesn't Matter
let xPos = [];
let yPos = [];
let gridSize = 5;
let waveOffset = 0; // Starting wave offset for animation
let waveSpeed = 1.2; // Adjust speed of wave movement
let waveHeight = 100; // Amplitude of the waves
let h = 211;
let s = 82;
let l = 24;
function setup() {
  createCanvas(1000, 1000);
function draw() {
  for (let i = 0; i < xPos.length; i++) {
    let wave = int(noise((i + waveOffset) / 70) * waveHeight);
    let col2 = map(wave, -25, 25, 30, 70);
    // fill(h, s, col2);
    //square(xPos[i]+random(-2,2)+wave, yPos[i]+random(-2,2), wave/4);
    translate(xPos[i], yPos[i] + wave);
    rotate(wave / 10);
    text(":)", 0, 0);
  waveOffset += waveSpeed;
  // Generate a wave pattern using sine function
  for (let y = 0; y <= height; y += 50) {
    let wave = sin((y + waveOffset) / 50) * waveHeight;
    fill(100 + wave, 150 + wave, 255); // Light blue water with wave height variation
    // Draw water based on y position and wave offset
    circle(500, y, 300+wave);
  // Update wave offset for animation
  waveOffset += waveSpeed;
function convertLetterToPoints() {
  textAlign(LEFT, CENTER);
  let points = [];
  //Text Properties
  var tSize = 170;
  textFont("IBM Plex Serif");
    "i'm shattering but it doesn't matter", 60, -40, width / 2 + width / 2, height / 2 + height / 2
  var change = 3;
  for (let y = 0; y < height; y += gridSize + change) {
    for (let x = 0; x < width; x += gridSize + change) {
      let px = get(x, y);
      let r = px[0];
      if (r < 200) {
        points.push(createVector(x, y));
  for (let i = 0; i < points.length; i += 2) {
    let x = points[i].x;
    let y = points[i].y;

15:04, 2024-03-28

Won’t you stand by me – typographic sketchp5

Wrote a sketch with particles that oscillate between two defined positions on the screen.

Used sin(inc) to give a number between -1 and 1. To smooth out the animation, the inc is incremented by 0.02 every frame.

  update() {
    this.x = map(sin(, -1, 1, this.x1, this.x2, true);
    this.y = map(sin(, -1, 1, this.y1, this.y2, true);
    this.s = map(sin(, -1,1, gridSize*3, gridSize/2, true); += 0.02;

16:08, 2024-03-25

Washed up potential – text as a water wavep5

Wanted to treat text like a wave hitting the beach with many particles. First figured out what a wave would look like:

  for (let y = 0; y <= height; y += 50) {
    let wave = sin((y + waveOffset) / 50) * waveHeight;
    fill(100 + wave, 150 + wave, 255);
    circle(500, y, 300+wave);
  waveOffset += waveSpeed;

Then used my convertToText function to make the same happen for a piece of text:

//Washed Up Potential
let xPos = [];
let yPos = []; 
let gridSize = 5; 
let waveOffset = 50; // Starting wave offset for animation
let waveSpeed = 1.2; // Adjust speed of wave movement
let waveHeight = 30; // Amplitude of the waves
let h = 211; 
let s = 82; 
let l = 24; 
function setup() {
  createCanvas(1000, 1000);
  colorMode (HSL); 
function draw() {
for (let i = 0; i<xPos.length; i++){
  let wave = int(sin((i + waveOffset) / 50) * waveHeight);
  let col2 = map(wave, -25 ,25, 30, 70); 
  fill (h,s,col2); 
square (xPos[i]-wave/20, yPos[i], int(wave/1.8)); 
waveOffset += waveSpeed;
function convertLetterToPoints() {
  textAlign(LEFT, CENTER);
  let points = [];
  //Text Properties
  var tSize = 240; 
  textLeading (tSize/1.2); 
  text('am i just washed up potential?', 60, -5, width/2+width/2, height/2+height/2);
  for (let y = 0; y < height; y += gridSize) {
    for (let x = 0; x < width; x += gridSize) {
      let px = get(x, y);
      let r = px[0];
      if (r < 200) {
        points.push(createVector(x, y));
  for (let i = 0; i < points.length; i+=2) {
    let x = points[i].x;
    let y = points[i].y;

12:27, 2024-03-24

rotational studiesp5

Simple rotational studies based on yesterday’s logic, but no animation. Used iteration through the array as variance.

16:27, 2024-03-22

looping animationsp5

Wanted to study how perfect loops could be made with simple shapes. Made something with squares, but still can’t figure out the math for the sketch to make a loop, will have to do it on a video editor for now.

//Rotate based on odd-even; March, 2024.
let margin = 50;
let s = 75;
let tiles = [];
function setup() {
  createCanvas(1000, 1000);
  angleMode = DEGREES;
  for (let x = margin; x <= width - margin; x += s) {
    for (let y = margin; y <= height - margin; y += s) {
      tiles.push(new Tile(x, y));
function draw() {
  for (let i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++) {
    var r = 0;
    if (i % 2 == 0) {
      r = 45;
    } else {
      r = 90;

The class:

class Tile {
  constructor(x, y) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.s = s;
    this.r = 0;
  display(r) {
    translate(this.x, this.y);
    this.r = r;
    var t = frameCount / 60;
    this.rot = map(sin(this.r * t * 0.00003), -1, 1, 0, 360);
    square(0, 0, this.s);

The problem because of which it isn’t perfectly looping via code is that I slow down rotation by multiplying values with 00003. Need to figure this out.

Ooh! Maybe I could use radians instead of degrees, maybe that value progression is better.

16:09, 2024-03-21

kucch crazy ho gayapunctual

o << 0.2; 
r << 0.1; 
g << 0.02; 
b << 0.08;  
-- top square 
spin[osc(cam*0.002)] $ 
rect [cam,0] [2,2] * o * [r,cam/2,cam/0.8]* o>> video;
[0,0,0] >> video; 

22:55, 2024-03-20

face in rectanglepunctual

Trying to clip face to make typography. I don’t understand what’s happening, but let’s see. I’ll figure it out.

[0,0,0] >> video; 
o << 1; 
rect [0, 0] $ 
[cam] * o >> video; 

22:32, 2024-03-20

in progresspunctual

o << 0.8;
x << [-2, -1.9 .. 2]; 
y << 0; 
w << 0.2; 
-- [1,1,1] >> video; 
[0,0,0] >> video; 
r << 0.2; 
g << 0.8; 
b << 0.1; 
w << 0.02; 
spin [osc(pi*0.02)] $ fit (1/1) $ rect [x, y] [w,w] * o >> video; 

repeating video input in the shape of a flowerpunctual

Repeat video input in the shape of a flower.

-- video flower
z << 0.8; 
a << [0, 0.2 .. 1]; 
o << 0.3; 
r << 1; 
g << 0.31; 
b << 0.61; 
col << [r,g,b]*o;
z2 << 0.9;  
zoom [z2*(-1), z2] $ tile [2, 2] [[fit (1/1) $ spin [a] $ [zoom[(z*(-1)),z] [cam]]]]* o * [col]>> video; 

22:20, 2024-03-17

making an ‘a’ with video inputpunctual

Made a lower-case ‘a’ with shaders on Punctual.

-- creating an A
s << 0.1; 
x << [0, 0.1 .. 0.5]; 
y << [0]; 
o << 0.4; 
r << 0.1; 
g << [x]*0.08; 
b << 0.8; 
z << 0.18; 
spinVal << 0; 
-- bar 
spin [osc(spinVal)] [move [x,0.7] [zoom [(z*(-1)), z] (fit (0.02/0.02) $ cam) * o  *[r,g,b]]] >> video; 
-- center
midStem << [-0, -0.1 .. 0.85]; 
spin [ osc(spinVal)] [move [0.5,midStem] [zoom [(z*(-1)), 0.5] (fit (0.02/0.02) $ cam) * o *[r,g,b]]] >> video; 
-- bottom 
spin [ osc(spinVal)] [move [x,-0.5] [zoom [(z*(-1)), z] (fit (0.02/0.02) $ cam) * o *[r,g,b]]] >> video; 
spin [osc(spinVal)] [move [x,midStem+0.2] [zoom [(z*(-1)), 0.05] (fit (0.02/0.02) $ cam)* o *[r,g,b]]] >> video; 
spin [osc(spinVal)] [move [-0.0005,midStem-0.29] [zoom [(z*(-1)), 0.5] (fit (0.02/0.02) $ cam) * o  *[r,g,b]]] >> video; 

21:02, 2024-03-16

make rows of video feed

z << 0.1; 
x << [0, 0.1 .. 0.5]; 
move [x,0] [zoom [(z*(-1)), z] (fit (0.02/0.02) $ cam)] >> video; 

noisy backgroundpunctual

Grey, noisy background.

0, 0, 0 >> video;
x << osc ([fx*0.2]*0.08);
y << osc ([fy*0.0002]*0.2);  
w << osc(fr*0.5)*0.7;
h << 1;
-- r << 0.5; 
-- g << 0.5; 
-- b << 0.5; 
rect [x, y] [w, h] *0.3 >> video;
0, 0, 0 >> video;
r << [0.1, osc (fx)*0.7, fr*0.2]; 
g << 0; 
b << [1, 0, 0.3]; 
x1 << osc [((fr*fy)), fr], fr; 
y1 << 0; 
w << [0.1, 0.2, 0.2]; 
h << [fy, fx, 2]; 
rect [x1,y1] [w, h] * [0.8] * [r,g,b] >> video; 


Makes a water ripple.

0, 0, 0 >> video; 
w << fr/0.02; 
h << 2; 
v << (ft*0.02); 
spin [osc(fr*0.002)*sin(fx*0.0002)*cos(fx)] (move [osc(fx*0.000008), ft*4] (hline [v*0.002] [w*10, h] * 0.8 * [osc(fx*0.002),0.1*v, osc(v*0.3)])) >> video;

waterpunctual {{date}}

Simulates something of a water kind.

x << [0.3,0.2,0.3,0.8]; 
move[sin(fx+fy*(1/4*fr)*fr), 0] [circle [x, fy][1.4]*0.8 * [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]] >> video;